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Charles I almost gave up hope. I read a thread and yours was the last comment. I misinterpreted and thought you were back gambling . I felt myself deflate and immediately thought there is no recovery.. It made me realise how much your recovery means to others here. It made me think that you have a huge responsibility to others once you decide to work for GT. I then realised that while we all say our recovery is for us, we all have a responsibility to those around us .being gamble free meant my child got a computer this Christmas which is a necessity for his for homework and socialising. Maybe it is my mind getting better but I am seeing the enormity of the situation I have created for my family, really for the first time. I can’t believe how selfish I have been. So the shock of thinking you had fallen off the wagon has kick started something in my brain, but I am so relieved that you have not. For you but also selfishly for all of us on here. We so need to read about recovery success stories!