charlster,as well as being calm, you are an incredibly organised person. When I am going away it is chaos, yet here you are and you seem to be thinking of everything!
I sincerely hope you get everything you deserve from this residential. You deserve a good life where you can use your many gifts and talents.
I find myself wondering how you are feeling about it all. I think the dominant feeling must be hope .
If I can give you one bit of advice– just something I have learned about you through reading you posts on here..
You spend a lot of time helping others and that is a great quality. I find myself thinking it would be so great to be in a residential group with someone like you. Why? Selfishly I’m thinking of the support you would be to me!!
My advice( for what it worth) is please, for this residential put Charlster first. As Charles says, fit your own oxygen mask first before helping others. This is your big chance!! This is charlsters time . Just be aware if anyone is hindering your progress, draining your resources with their neediness!
I can’t wait to read your thread after you come out
Ps I am toying with the idea of the women’s residential .. If I could get accepted, thanks to you
Thank u for all ur support Charlser! It is much appreciated!!