Sat 07 Dec 2019 Day 2
I am thankful for life good health and perfectly new mindset. I am choosing to remain positive about my life. I am being thankful for the support and encouragement to make wise valuable decisions in my life from this moment on and moving forward. Goal 1 clear off my debts, ppl i owe,personal loans,credit card. I got to get my life back away from that point where i first put money into the slot to play roulette. I need to get back the feeling of seeing my time as value and saving money for a better life despite the major loss i made by losing my family. I know it hurts it pains makes that urge come back again everytime the mind thinks abt it. Fight the good fight think positive stay positive be positive say positive words uplifting words to remew the mind. Self talk. This journal. I need to stick to it. Find a new activity get involve in something to distract my mind frm where it not suppose to be. I will i am going to start my new day filled with good hope and a strong mind. After all i read on the forum the same gut feeling everyone shares i been there and now i am making a brand new chapter of my life starting now i need to keep on keeping on. Thankful for all comments made. Lets keep up this new mind of staying stronger together in this fight for better life. People i love you guys i am thankful.