So I am currently on the 4 week mark of no longer gambling. I am very proud of this but feel like I have a long ways to go. Been very frustrated because I have been slow at work and not really making much extra money to cover my debts, just making minimum payments right now and this frustrates me. To be totally honest have been feeling really down lately, not sure fully of what. The debt really gets me down that I have done this to myself.
On another note though I have been going for weekly counselling and to G.A. every week and I feel like I am getting positive results from these things. Just really need to keep living this a day at a time and stay gamble free each day and I know my life will pick back up. Just need to stop thinking about the past because it’s already done and dig and deep and move forward. Reminding myself that gambling will not fix anything, any emotional or financial pain I am in won’t be corrected it will only get worse.