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Coming up on 300 days on Monday. This must be equal or possibly just over the longest I’ve gone without gambling for about 15 years! Still need to get up to that year mark. That will be a massive achievement and one which I never thought I’d get to.
It was my birthday on Monday. My partner paid for me to get another tattoo. It’s something I’ve wanted to get for a few years and I’ve finally done it. Ever since I saw The Dark Knight I’ve been obsessed with Heath Ledger’s portrail of The Joker. So I got his face permanently inked on my arm.
I managed to buy a nice present for my mums birthday. Ive sorted all my Christmas presents too. I’ve even got money to spare. All thanks to not gambling. There was a time that the quality of presents would be determined by how well I’d done on the bandits… Not anymore. Hopefully never again!
All the best everyone. I’ll post next gamble free year!