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Hello all,

Thanks for stopping in! Yes badsportsbettor, the fact that I love sports and enjoy watching games makes the quit even more difficult. I’ve been down this road before and often times at the beginning I stop watching sports for the most part. I might watch for a few minutes then move on to something else . The bottom line is, I know how sports betting affects my life. I can win a few games or maybe even win for a week but I’m powerless over gambling and always give it right back PLUS more! I don’t have the necessary discipline to win at sports betting. I crave the action. It’s not just about money, and that’s why I fail.
I’m in a good place mentally. I’ve told my fiancé everything. I have nothing left to hide and i feel relieved.
I know my triggers come when I have some “extra” money and 1 bet won’t hurt and when I win, I will cash out. Blah blah blah, all a lie. I know I can take 2 weeks off of sports betting and come back and win. With a clear mind, I’m ok at the addiction. The problem again, is I’m powerless over gambling. I can’t stop. Then I lose, then I chase then my mind is so foggy I make bad bets, blah blah blah.
I know this isn’t going to be easy but I have committed myself to coming here daily and often times multiple times per day to get me through the tough times.
I know I’m probably in the minority when it comes to using blockers and such. While I do think they might help, but it’s like anything, if I want to gamble, I will find a way to gamble. With or without the blockers in place . Maybe they are nice in times of weekness, I don’t know. But I do know, I’m more old school. The bottom line is, in order for me quit, I must want to be gambling free more than I want to place a bet. I read on here of the gentleman who banned himself from local casinos but still somehow was able to go into that casino and gamble. The “blockers” were in place yet it still didn’t stop him from gambling. That’s no shot at the gentlemen, it’s just an example how our will has to be strong. We can’t just say I have a blocker I can’t gamble bc the addictive mind will find a way. Just my opinion though.
I hope all of you have a beautiful day and are able to focus on all the good things life has to offer with a clear mind and soul. Be great all!