One week without placing a bet wow i made it. You know basically every other day with whatever little money i may have in my pocket i would find myself in front of roulette machine at earliest of time to chase my losses. Man i remember as early as 7 am i was in the city mind torturing myself losing $1000. And i dont have money to travel to pay bills or even buy food. I just hang around the machines and pretend i am playing calling out sure numbers that will play, for those who are on the roulette, who are winning big getting the numbers. While i just loaf around by the machine i would look defeated and wait for someone who won big, to hand me a $100. I would say thank you and walked away with regrets of me stepping into that casino. Sometimes when i am on a roll winning those workers at the casino would cheer me on cashing out big winnings. But it was never winnings. I will never ever win all that money i give away. I basically make those casinos rich by giving my hard earn money away.
I say all that to say that today i am moving forward turning each day of my life a new page afresh renew mindset of positive energy and i am gonna keep that same energy. I gonna attend that first GA meeting tomorrow. I made my mind up to go. So to everyone in this forum reading this after many relapses and regrets i am please to inform you i am GF for seven days. Last thurs i lost $6000. Now i am gonna rise above this and help others to see where gambling is a big lie. Why Do Something Over & Over Expecting Different Results? Thank you all for reading and sharing. Stay positive and lets value our self worth.