Good day all i am free since thurs last i gonna keep this up keep at it.keep a strong mind. I am gonna stand up and let it know i am gonna put my money to good use.i gonna build new apartments. I gonna start purchasing buiding materials to begin this project. I gonna make it top priority above it all i will be investing my money into a business. So my mind is distracted from it self. Keeping in mind i am addict to recovery. To getting my message clear that i am free from it. I repeat the mantra Why Do Something Over &Over Expecting A Different Result. Live and let live. Helping others outta this hole. I gonna make that start after i read what everyone in here going through similiar heart aches and meltdwm like myself.i vow from this moment i am focus on positive growth. A shift played on my mind to channel positive energy to be a victor. The victory is ours once you know and aware of what you gonna do from this moment forward. Yes i am happy. I am positive abt life. Things are gonna be different. Day 5 here i come!! Thank you all for sharing. I appreciate it.