Dear (((P)))! To me counting days is not something that is beneficial to me. I prefer to live in the day that is. In the end, that’s all we have is today. I read that you don’t know if you’ll be able to stay gamble free forever. Why worry about that P? All you need to do is stay gamble free today. None of us knows if today will be our last day on earth. Sounds morbid but it’s true. There have been times when I have had thoughts of gambling and I’ve googled compulsive gambling and suicide, at Bettie’s suggestion. This addiction has 5 times the suicide rate of other addictions. It’s a sobering statistic and really sad that those people didn’t find recovery, like we have. We deserve better than a life of compulsively gambling, and so do our loved ones. So many of us feel so undeserving of help and support. Progress not perfection but as Dr Phil says, when we knew better, we did better. So let’s expect better of ourselves because we now know better. Carole