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Well I am finding my way round the site, must say it looks a lot nicer… the chat groups if you want to find them you go into group therapy schedule and you click on view as list that is above timetable. Otherwise on the timetable it doesnt look like there is one on untill you click the view as list button. Just telling you all in case you have not discovered it yet as it doesnt show on front page if any groups are on like the live chat line does.
I am sure we will all get used to it soon and be posting away like mad again like i have already started.
Having a bit of a meltdown in my days recently, reality is hitting me a little like a sledgehammer and i am really shocked at the years gone by with addiction. I feel the pain and regret, trying to let it go. The feelings are raw and real but they are real and that is life. Something i have been hiding from for a very long time.