Fear and worry will only make it worst trust me tried that . I been battling for 6 years .
I came to where are I am all on my own started working since 16 got a very well paid job at 16 working with airplanes this motivated me to live study and just work .
I worked my way up to where I am now never claimed a penny of the state always been proud when I look back on what I have achieved I say to my self I am not letting the devil casino to take it all cus I worked for it and it mine.
It hit me so much this time because I am having to sell a inheritance to pay off my debt and it brokers my heart .
This has been the turning point for me .
But I am looking at the future and hoping to learn from this mistake .
I cannot be hard on my self everyday as I need to be mentally strong to fight the casino and not let them win .
Being mentally strong & positive motivations is what will get us through to the other side .
I will never win if I carry on gambling
I already won because I did stop