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There may be someone on the forums who is a qualified financial adviser. But until they come forwards I can only give you some general advice. Getting financial advice will need to come locally – I don’t even know which country you are in (I’m in France) so how could we advise?

But what I would say is to seek out good local advice and when you do this don’t hold back on the reasons for seeking it. I made the mistake of not going for advice when I was massively in debt – simply because I was too ashamed about how I had got there. Looking back I may have been able to save myself thousands in interest repayments – but I let shame and embarrassment get in the way.

It may be worth talking to people within local self-help groups as some of them will have had the same problems and may be able to share how they overcame them – although no two stories are the same. Check if Gamblers’ Anonymous is in your country or do a search to find similar peculiar to where you live. I wish you well.