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Hi Ryan,
I am somewhere in between a heavy gambler and someone who does not have a gambling problem and attempts to help the gamblers. I used to play blackjack and lost $300 at a time. I did that several times in a row and also lost unknown amounts of money on scratch-offs, Club Keno and other things. What I did was I started keeping a tally of my wins/losses in my phone. I kind of got lucky at first because I showed a modest positive balance so I didn’t learn my lesson and I kept gambling. Once I started to go negative and I saw that it was creeping downward even more (after many ups and downs), it started to discourage me from gambling. When you don’t know what you overall losses are, you are more likely to engage in gambling than when you do. Some people think they’re starting with a clean slate every time they walk into a casino (or bar that has gambling.) I always weigh my TOTAL losses/gains (since I started keeping track, that is). I pretend my total losses are basically my losses for THAT day…THAT session.
Merry belated Christmas and good luck 🙂