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Great to see and update from you Kathryn and thanks for the post on my thread. You and I go back a long way but our recoveries don’t match, sadly. I botched up too often!
A caravan!! AHH!
That brings back memories! When my “baby” was 8 months old we bought a little caravan with a big awning and decided to try it out. “If the baby sleeps, we’ll stay for the weekend”, I said ! He slept and we ended up staying at that seaside for A MONTH!!!
That’s how irresponsible I was even before I started to gamble!!!! I was a “stay at home mother”then. Hubby had two jobs! He commuted from the caravan ever day on a motor bike and left me the car. He built a creel to keep the baby from rolling out of the bunk. At the end of the month he ( baby, not hubby!) climbed over the creel and that was the end of our first weekend away in the caravan and the start of many more long weekend breaks !
All in my pre gambling days.
I’m so happy you are G Free Kathryn and reaping the rewards. You deserve the very best. Hope your mam is keeping well. I often think of you and her…
Oh! for the good ol’ days!
Tempis fugit!