wishing you all a wonderful 2016 x
I’m good, in a good place mentally. My physical health has taken a little bump but I’m looking to recover quickly and get on with life. Since forgiving myself I’ve made strides with my relationships with my adult children (notice the word adult! smiles). I’ve backed off big time and the space has allowed them to take responsibility for their own lives and decisions. And it’s allowed me to have quality time and head space with my partner. We are looking to getting a dog and are very excited about welcoming a new life into our home and hearts.
My cg son still asks for financial help, sometimes I help him, sometimes I don’t. He has moved on from some dodgy ‘mates’ and appears much calmer in his skin. We’ve had a couple of heart to hearts and I firmly believe deep down he has a very good handle on his decisions. He always asks how I am now and what I’ve been up to before anything else and tells me he loves me.
Many of the coping strategies I learnt here I still use and remember. The F and F cycle and the fact he will always find somewhere to stay and something to eat and is indeed a survival pro! And when ‘under’ the addiction he will tell any story to get money … ooo we’ve had some really good ones! but I’m now seeing through them more and not responding to immediate requests … give him a ‘No’ and see what happens.
Life is really too short and so spreading the love has become my latest mission :). And on that note, love to you all.
San xx