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Good to hear your updates brother. I can relate to so much of the situation you’re in and the pain gambling has caused you so whenever I read your posts they truly speak to me I just want you to know that I’m not coming on here to give you any sort of words that aren’t truly genuine my man. You are taking all the necessary steps in order to get not only your fincances corrected, but your mental health and lifestyle corrected also. you didn’t lose all of that money overnight, in a week, a month.. let Me say we… we didn’t lose it in a day, a week, a month. It has been a Gradual build up of this addiction and just like it took a long time to lose not only the money but ourselves in the process, it’s going to take just as much time, if not more to fix both of our finances and our mental health. Like you I am also just doing minimun payments on my credit card and line of credit right now because my personal training business failed due to my gambling and lifestyle, so I know what it’s like to have not much $ to no money coming in and getting smoked in interest every month. At least our credit will not be affected this way and we can start making better payments when work picks up. Going to meetings is great man and it really helps you try to find the root and GA is a real eye opener to see what this has done to many people should we continue to gamble we will end up losing a lot more of not only our money, but our youth, the years that matter. We are still younger than I’d say 75% of people in GA if not more, don’t know if the same where you are. You must keep pushing , 4 weeks is a huge accomplishment For a compulsive gambler, and let me tell you it does get better each day that passes (58 days over here) keep posting, keep going to meetings, keep speaking positive thoughts to your mind in this time, and know that everything will work itself out, in time, finances , mental health, relationships, jobs, patience is our best friend in A time like this. I believe in you brother and I’m right here battling with you day by day. wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy Gamble free New Years. you got this.