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Today I am 3 calendar months gamble free – 13 weeks.
Deep inside, I know this will never be an issue for me again- not because I have learned ways to avoid gambling (although I have) but because I learned and developed ways to deal with life. I am constantly working on my coping skills.

When life got hard I used to simply escape – which only served to make life harder.

This week, I had a very strong emotional response to hearing some untrue gossip about me. It was torture for a number of hours and I kept telling myself to “sit with the pain”.

I did this, although it was really uncomfortable and really painful and consuming – and eventually I realised that one person gossiping was just that – and the pain lifted and I was ok – and I could still buy food for the rest of the month and my bank account was still intact.

I have learned that pain will eventually go whether we gamble or not and when we gamble we simply substitute one type of pain for another.

On another note, I found this link quite by accident – I think it makes very interesting reading.