Hi alras
I guess what you want to do describes exactly what I have done . I took a week out fo my life and went on an intensive residential treatment and it has really been like pressing reset on my life . I am just starting into my fourth month gamble free and life is picking up.
It sounds to me as if you are searching for something in life – something that no amount of gambling , golf or exotic trips can fulfil. Would you consider visiting a counsellor weekly and exploring why you gamble?
There are many ways to ensure you don’t gamble – I think for you a good one would be to hand the financial side of the business to someone you trust (for now) and tell them to pay you only a salary which U have to be accountable for with receipts etc for your spending .
In the casino business we are called whales , and every employee wants to land a whale – they will flatter us , make us feel important, offer us perks because we are important to them … they do it for us because they know that we cannot stop once we start gambling , and that makes us a very important source of revenue.
A simple line which works for me with friends, family etc is “I have made a decision to stop gambling “ . If they require further explanation I simply say I am saving for a car, home improvements etc .
This is your life – and you are still pretty solvent by the sound of things. You can press reset anytime you choose but I have found is it much easier to do so with relay good support .
Hope this helps.
You deserve better !