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Hi Casper, well done on your two gamble free days.

Read soem of the other stories here, you will see a lot of stories similar to your own. You will also read the success stories – what are they doing that you can apply to your own situation?

Well doen on getting excluded from that online site. Did you know you can get a blocker for your PC that will stop you visiting other sites? is one though there are others.

There is a lot of support around these days, here and sites like this, places like Gamblers Anonymous, counselling and more. Keep coming here and check out what other support is in your area.

It sounds like you have other things that will need addressing; stopping gambling will put you in a position to be able to do that.

Maybe talk to your husband and try to plan some non gambling, non X box things to do together.

I would recommend finding a way to come clean about the debts. Trying to keep things hidden can in itself send someone gambling.

You thread is called “Will I ever be free of my gambling addiction.” Well you will always be an addict but by using the support that is avaialble you can move forward and have a great gamble free future, one day at a time.

Keep posting.