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Hi Laura thank you for your post to me. You always come find me. I am glad to see you back now. On with the new forum now so hope to catch you around again soon sometime for a chat. Ive missed our chats.
I am so pleased to read that you get urges but never act on them. You have stayed strong all these years and it is amazing and encouraging to see. Good to see you have that awareness still. The thought of going with a handful of cash for a day wouldnt be a reality. Go once and the desire to go again just follows. I know what you mean about you think gambling was fun yet it nearly destroyed your life. Its strange isnt it. Though last time i gambled on my last relapse that lasted a few months there was no fun in it, only pain, because i couldnt stop but wanted to. Recovery is so much nicer and so much nicer again with people like you in it. You are always so caring about everyone Laura, just know we care about you too.