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Hi Mav. You have achieved a lot today.
….Some of the tasks you set yourself and you also attended GA!
Well done!!
I am sad to hear you lost perspective today Charlster said, the most important thing you have is your life. I love the analogy of the rear view mirror !! I am going to remember that one.
I am glad you came back and posted . I look forward to hearing how things are going with you .

Mav I will say are too hard on yourself. You are kind and helpful to everyone on here . We are all people who have made mistakes..we have all lost a lot..
You are a visual person. Maybe try to visualise yourself taking a big stick and drawing a line in the sand … Put everything behind this line … The gambling, the business etc…and walk away from the line to a new future.
Your dinner sounds fabulous . It’s important to eat well.. It can be simple like banana or egg on toast for breakfast , and it will kickstart your day..
You deserve to eat well and feel well .
The past is the past .. The future is full of possibilities !

Keep strong my friend !!