Hi S & C
Standing by as a friend until he crashes is fine but what about your life?
Highly intelligent and socially awkward would probably describe more CGs than you have imagined (and those who love them). The addiction to gamble can enter all walks of life and sometimes it is the intelligence that makes it more difficult. In my opinion being intelligent leads people towards thinking they should understand the things in their lives that are hurting them – they should be able to ‘sort it out’. I think it is one of the reasons why those who love CGs keep the addiction’s secret, thus allowing it freedom to grow. I believe that all who seek support on this site have the kind of hearts that don’t walk away unless every avenue has been explored.
I hope you will understand that I really cannot tell you what to do. You are safe from your spouse’s addiction in that you are apart and your finances are 100% secure. I would never tell anyone to leave or to stay with an active CG. You have done the right thing for your CG and gained knowledge but now, having done so, it is important that ‘you’ make your own informed decisions which is a large part of the F&F recovery.
Whatever you do S & C I hope you will not feel you are wasting your life. I believe it is important that we take the sad experience of living with the addiction to gamble and turn it into something good, thus denying the addiction a greater victory.
Keep posting and protecting yourself.