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Hi Sophie
Compulsive gamblers do not want to be accountable, they want to gamble and often, sadly, when a loved one sticks by them and tries to make them take responsibility they turn to others for enablement. Be proud of yourself that you cared enough not to enable him.
You don’t deserve the treatment meted out to you but you were doing the right thing for him and ultimately for you when you tried to make him accountable.
You feel that your friends are happily having babies and getting engaged and this makes you sad but I am sure that it is better for you that you are not doing these things with an active gambling addict.
A gambler can only stop for himself, it isn’t that he couldn’t do it for his Dad or for you – neither of you are to blame in any way. He probably won’t like who he is and if he can’t do it for himself, then he isn’t ready – yet.
Keep posting Sophie and enjoy your siblings they sound great