I just explained what i mean by (controlled relapse) in another post,
it is planing ahead if a relapse happen how far it can go, the answer for me is all the money under my disposal, then to control how far the relapse can go i need to conrol the limit of the money that is under my disposal.
i am not planning to trade again at all, just i am loosining the rope a little bit.
also regarding the relapse maybe we are different personality but for me as i just wrote in the other post if it didn’t go deep I can live with it.
remember the gambling addiction that I have is (online trading) so it may be slightly different in my case. I didn’t went deep on this but i beleive there could be differeces based on the kind of gambling that you have.
for me I have nevered tryed to place a bet on a sport or to play the casino games online..etc. i beleive I will not be hooked by it ( i don’t dare to try ) but i belive i will not be hooked by it.
I know the women are more hooked with the slot machine and the men on cards and sports betting. there could be some differences in the treatment as well.