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I am in the city. I went by the insurance company and I have all the papers that my realtor requested. I went by the condo and checked the mailbox and the condo. Wednesday I need to vacuum and mop before the realtor comes on Thursday. The last condo sold 5 months ago and at a decent price. Although my needs some cosmetic work done on it, I am hopeful that I will get a decent price for it and that it doesn’t stay on the market for a long time. Progress, I never thought I would be at this place (selling the condo) as this is the last estate issue that I need to deal with than the estate will be closed. In 2 months it will be 1 year since the death of my Husband. I don’t really remember a lot of the first few months after his death. But I have made a lot of changes (good) and gotten through a lot of the legal issues, ect… I knew I was a strong person but I surprised myself getting through a lot of these things on my own. Even though it helps to have the support of your family (a few of mine) and friends, a lot of things you have to experience on your own to get it and appreciated it as I am talking about the grieving process. I was listening to the radio on my 1 hour and 50 min. drive to the city and a song came on that my Husband loved and it brought good memories and a few tears to my eyes. He loved oldies music and this was one of his favorite songs. My Daughter posted a picture of our last vacation (LEGOLAND) with him, 9 months before his death. We were standing at the beach in front of the Pacific ocean with our Grandson. That was such a awesome vacation and beautiful picture. The days have become less challenging to get through and I am finding peace and joy and contentment again. My Grandson arrives home tonight from his trip. He called this morning to remind me that he is coming home. How could I forget?? He brings up his Papa a lot and talks about the good memories and the sadness that he isn’t here anymore. We get through this one day at a time. That is all we can do. I have had thoughts of gambling here and there but I haven’t acted on them as I know the horrific results when I get caught up in the madness. I have been able to keep busy and not dwell on the urges and to think out the consequences that would happen if I were to go down that road again. They thoughts have passed quite fast and are becoming less. I am trying to put all my energy into my family, friends, and my new life that is developing. I am finding ways to cultivate my interests and trying to put myself out there to new adventures and people. It is exciting and sometimes scary, if that makes sense. Who knows what this year will bring?