Dear diary,
I thought I had to do something to remind myself that I am a recovering addict, and visited a drop in centre for recovering addict yesterday.
Sat in a 12 steps recovery program workshop, the facilitator say that addicts are very inconsiderate people; they did not let others have the chance to make mistakes, respecting other’s rights and freedom to say or do wrongs .
I check the dictionary
Being considerate means showing kindly awareness or regard for another’s feelings and circumstances…
Being inconsiderate means acting without due regard for the rights or feeling of others.
Wow! What an awakening.
I have heard the same facilitator taught the same thing before but I did not get the message. I heard it and forget last time. This time, I am going to update it in my journal here.
When I was triggered by my mum yelling, it shows that I have a problem, I was inconsiderate. I didn’t allow my mum to yell at me, I feel that it was wrong for her to yell at me.
When I was affected by colleague who is lazy and not doing their work, I was inconsiderate, I didn’t give them the right to be lazy and irresponsible. The problem is not them, the real problem is me. Understanding this give me a chance to work on myself.
Grateful I was safe by the Grace of God yesterday.