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Just for today I didnt gamble,
Just for today I have a life worth living,
Just for today I did something good,
Just for today I didnt hurt anybody,
Just for today I followed my heart,
Just for today I didnt lie,
Just for today I didnt steal,
Just for today I cared about the consequences of my actions,
Just for today there was peace in my heart,
Just for today I had no hatred,
Just for today I loved everyone,
Just for today I could see my faults,
Just for today I was the real me.

I wish each and everyone of you all the happiness in the world, I have lost so much because I am a compulsive gambler but I promise I have also learnt so much about myself and life, I cannot change what I have done (I wish I could) but what I can do is do the very best I can just for today and with that as long as I do it I am happy.

There is no perfect person in the world and I am far far from it but just for today I will be the best person I can.

Take care and thank you to whoever reads, listens, understands or relates, I wish you all well.

Maverick (Lee)