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I would agree with all the points that Vera has made – and I would reiterate that you need to put your own recovery first.

When I was involved in GA, I took on a lot of tasks and ultimately the stress became so much that I gambled again after 3 years of being gamble free.

I know you want to get the word out there and to help others, but you must look after yourself first and foremost. If people see you doing this then they may come to follow your example.

I had a feeling that you have not been to GA in your country because it is a long way off. Can I suggest that you go to a meeting or two before trying to start one in your area – so that you can see what happens and maybe you will find someone who can support you. Better to do this with others, and with some experience of GA.

Otherwise keep posting here and encouraging us all in our efforts to remain gamble free. I wish you well.