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This message means so much to me. I really do try my best to give people the help and advice that was given to me, and if I can help anyone in the slightest way to beat this addiction, that means more than anything to me. I just feel like it’s so hard to talk to people in real life about it, people that haven’t experienced it, even professional councillors that haven’t experienced gambling addiction, they just went to school to study the brain and addiction. I find real life experience to be a better teacher. i Have been at rock bottom with this demon too many times to c ount and I want to be the proof that it’s never to late to get your life back to what it was before gambling, because we all seem to forget what that life is like when we’re in action. I’m so appreciative of your message and kind words and I want you to know the feeling is mutual. You are a kind soul who goes out of her way to help others – and not even having met you I can say you’ve helped me more than people in my real life who I’ve known for 15+ years who just didn’t understand what gambling addiction was, the type of people that tell you, “well, just stop gambling” I wish it was that easy and you know it takes a lot of hard work to stop, but once your brain is shifted to abstinence I feel like there’s a point where you legitimately will never gamble again. And I truly believe that’s where we are right now. 

take care my friend.

keep on fighting the good fight!

god bless