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Grandiosity refers to my unrealistic sense of superiority, characterized by a view that I am better and more knowledgeable than other people when I am not.

It is an exaggerated sense of one’s importance, power, knowledge, or identity, even though there may be little evidence to support the beliefs.

I feel that I can help other suffering addict when I could not.

In both active gambling and recovery, I like to show off and tell others what I know and they do not.

I spoke to them as if they are more inferior: as if I am more superior and better when I was suffering from the same problem just like them.

Rather than admit their inadequate knowledge; some will resort to lies in order to protect their false superiority and will quote untruths to make themselves look like the expert. 

Help me God to be unimpressive, humble, modest, unpretendious, unimposing, moderate, common, unassuming, insignificant, trivial, low, unimportant, restrained, unheroic, down to earth, small calm, timid, shy, reserved, quiet, passive, mousy, diffident, bashful unassertive and retiring. 

Help me to remember that I am nothing and vulnerable. I am no different from all the other new comer. I am not special, smarter, clever, unique or important. I do not have all the answer to my problems and I am also prone to falling just like everyone.

Please Help me to stay focus in my own recovery.

I need to be thankful to the newcomer who was send by God to teach me a lesson.

Many times, they are more serious, determine and hardworking than me in recovery.