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Dear diary,

I didn’t expected this good year to end up addressing this situation when I am feeling frustrated and hurt, impulsive and impatient.

It has come to the surface now.

frustrated and angry because I feel hurt and not contented. I want it my way, but it did not turn out according to my expectation. I feel that I deserve better. ( so obvious, my feelings was selfish and self seeking), I felt that the glass is half empty.

why did I think that everything must go according to my way?

Is it unrealistic self expectation

the problem is not about others, the big problem was me!

Over the years, I have confrontational situations with mum, my colleagues and superior at home and at work.

it was like pealing the onion skin now, my problem have come to the surface

The outcome would be different if I know how to stay calm and still when I am feeling frustrated and hurt at people, places and things. There is no need to be confrontational or have silent protest.

I wasn’t able to stay calm and still, or stay calm and walk away.

what happen to my gratitude and contented feeling when I am feeling frustrated and hurt? what happen to that half full glass?

I cannot not do it for myself in the past. I believe God can help me do things I could not do for myself. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Thank you God.