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Dear San,

You have been through so much. I can only imagine the gamut of emotions you are experiencing as you await news.

As bad as things sound like they were for him today, I believe he has been in similar dire situations before, and he has always been resourceful and managed to get by somehow.

Whether this was another desperate attempt to manipulate or a serious effort to end his pain, he made the choice to do what he did. I’m sure you realize it is still his addiction to deal with and there still is nothing you can do to force him to change.
It is possible that he resorted to this tactic in order to ‘surrender’ himself to institutional care. Who could ever really know given the depths of deception this addiction is capable of?

I hope for your sake (and his of course), whatever his intent, that this serves as the beginning of his recovery.
And I sincerely hope you have someone to lean on during this time. You and your son will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight.


***San – I’m sorry some of your posts from the 15th didn’t make it over to the new site. This is what I posted to you that night… and then the site when down. I was so relieved that your son was OK once the site came back up***