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HI There,

This sound sterrible…I am sorry to hear its happening.  Unfortunately I am in the same boat but I am the one like your husband.  I have gambled away over half of my 401K and my wife has no idea…I am so sick.  It sound slike yoru husband is deseprate to keep things the way they are but doesnt want to seek help.  So I also want help and want to tell my wife but am very afraid she will want to leave me.  I know what I have been doing is terrible but cannot seem to come to terms with what is happening to me.  So, would you have left your husband if he sought help when he was knee deep in his problem…what do I do?  Should I tell my wife and just suffer the consequences…my wife does not really love me anyway…uggh…I am so sorry for you and your husband and all of us who get caught up in this shit…really, really sorry.
