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Hello all,

Well another month has passed and I am happy to say I am still gambling free..

Since I last posted I have put the tools I purchased to good use and built a variety of wooden objects to keep busy,

It is a shame I cannot post some of my finished projects on here but when I post them on Facebook and other pages I generally get good feedback,

I am also getting a good shopping list going from people who see my work online and ask me to build them a specific item. So hopefully the hobby can help pay off my depts..

One step at a time as always but feeling good with life at the moment. Work is still hard work but I am thankful I have a job.. The missus moans as we have no spare money but we have money even if it is not spare.. the wood work hobby is keeping me busy and filling the void from gambling but is a positive. and most of all I feel human again.