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Oh Bettie and Carole!!!!!  Apparently the rich young thing that Barry dumped me for on my birthday has dumped him a few days ago……..  A WEEK BEFORE HIS BIRTHDAY.  Neighbours spotted him frantically trying to stop her from leaving, waving his arms and trying to stop her car.  LMAO, karma really does exist.  I think he saw her money disappearing with her and he just lost it.  I’ve also been told he’s back on the dating website, hunting down his next victim.  Doesn’t sound like a broken heart to me, lol.  Anyways, that inner petty devil inside of me is laughing like crazy.  I have the last laugh anyways – a great job, a terrific boyfriend, happy, healthy and loving family and…..  I’m not gambling.  Looks like I came out the winner here.  Living well is truly the best revenge.  Luv to all, Deb