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the cowboy

Hi Kathryn,
I totally get the words from Tim about being in active recovery, loving his (tim’s) work!
I too am fighting urges, I actually feel drained at times…
How come some days you can fight the urges fairly easily and others seem to be the biggest test of your life??? This gets me down from time to time as I find these days are near enough lost due to my ‘non gambling thoughts’, Dont get me wrong, I love not gambling but i seem to have days/weeks of being on a constant high and then this week I feel like I belong to be a gambler.
Anyhow, K, stay strong, the urges this weekend will be testing for you and your hubby, It might be an idea (if you havent already) explaining to your hubby how you are feeling about being able to gamble without the fear of getting slung out on your ear! HAve a lovely break and enjoy every minute of it…. YOU DESERVE ITPlayers do not continuously lose… They continuously nearly win!!