Dear Kathryn
As always I applaud your openness and honesty. Posts like that are not always easy for any of us to read, but i know they must be so much harder to write!!! The fact that you are able to do so, speaks volumes of your progress and you should feel so proud.
Like Sherry, I’m sorry any of us have to go through any of this…. but we do. None of us consciously chose to have this addiction in our lives…. and here it is! But the joy is, we are here, on this site, pushing through the pain of it, and dealing with it on a daily basis. Healing and learning and growing as we go! Life can just get better and better!!!
As for my "sydney-status"…… NO! I am not a ‘know-it-all on sydney’! haha. far from it! Like you, I’m coming up to my 40th, and i was 25 when i left sydney! So i haven’t a clue as to where you could go with Brea. However, being the same age as you, I know exactly the type of place youre talking about, so if I stumble across one (haha hopefully not literally) on my trip, I’ll let ya know!
Much love and light
meg xxx
"We are each of us angels with only one wing… we can only fly by embracing each other"