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Hi Kathryn:  I am so happy to read the relief and happiness in your post. Sounds like you have realigned and are determined to move on with your life. Good for you ! 
Re: Father’s Day … we celebrate Father’s Day in mid-June in North America (honestly thought it was the same around the world!)  But then, I should know better … Thanksgiving in Canada is in early October, and just a few miles to the south, in the U.S., it is in November. 
On this side, we have had lovely sunshiny days for the past week, so I’ve indulged the boys and taken them to the beach on most days.  This is the last week of their vacation, after all.  Will do again today.  We’ve truly had a crappy summer of rain and unsettled weather (including tornadoes, for the first time … NOT fun!!).  Next week, it’s back to reality for all of us.  That will mean full-on marketing for my business and maybe even seeking a full-time job as an alternative.  I’ve been and independent consultant for the past 13 years, so that will be a tough adjustment, if I go the full-time route.
Anyway, I’m yabbering on as usual. 
Talk soon.  Keep strong.
RGThis moment is all we really have.  Be happy in it.