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Hey Ms. K:  Your totally crack me up with your wild imagination.  Huck Finn?  Pocohontas??? LOL!!  I live in a city of 93,000 people, just bordering Toronto, which is like Sydney.  We are very far from an ocean, but a 10 minute drive to Lake Ontario, which is as large as an ocean.  Hard to imagine a lake being that big, but it really is enormous.  On some days the waves are as high as any ocean.  My boys LOVE it!!
Your town sounds absolutely divine. I’m imagining a resort town, where everyone knows each other and everyone is friendly and welcoming.  My mind goes to 1950s beach blanket movies … not that I was even close to being born then, of course (lol).  It must be incredibly beautiful on your beaches with a view of Sydney across the bay, especially at night.  Do you take your kids down for midnight swims or evening barbeques on the beach??? I’m so very jealous.
It’s so weird to think that when I’m writing to you at 1:00 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon, it’s already Sunday morning on your side.  Crazy, huh?  I’m just off to go and pick up uniforms I ordered last week and then perhaps a bit of shopping.  Leaving the boys to the hubby, he’ll take them to the lake with the dog.
Yes, our boys do sound similar ages.  My eldest is 12 and is in middle school. Both my kids have been at school since age 3 though … Montessori has a different system and approach.  My baby is 11 … I can’t believe it … I get so depressed as I see them growing and eventually leaving me.  I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about.
You do sound wonderful though, and like you’re quickly moving on from that last blip in your life.  Good for you, girl!!  You’re a real go-getter!!  Enjoy your Sunday, Happy Father’s Day to Damien.  When is Mother’s Day in Australia?  Is that different to our too?
Stay strong (I know you will).
All the best.
RGThis moment is all we really have.  Be happy in it.