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My day from  hell…..
Doesnt karma have a way of catching up with you??? When you do something you shouldnt, the universe always has a way to make you pay…..always.
So last night i decided to have a look at cars for Brea. We found a ripper, it looked fantastic, had a years warranty, roadworthy, registered for a year, what more could i ask.  Today, i did a bad thing.  I took a sickie. I never take a sickie but we decided to drive to Melbourne to look at the deal of the century.
The first sign that things werent going well was that Bailey woke up and was unwell and had to stay at home…hmmmm, unwell??? Actually, that was the second sign, the first was that the power went out at 9am. Anyway, we decided to go ahead with the big trip, Damian, Brea, Bailey and myself all jumped in the car and headed off to the big city.
We got hopelessly lost, even with the gps system, i think the lady inside didnt have a damn clue where she was going and we ended up…i dont even know where.   We finally got to the caryard and the next dodgy thing was that it was out the back, not even in the lot, but we pressed on in hope.  The car looked ok, isnt it amazing what they can do with computers now, not only do they airbrush supermodels, but also cars. Still, with hope in our hearts we went for a drive.  I dont know what was worse, the back of the  boot falling off or the thick black smoke that  engulfed the car as it started.  I had rung the dealer beforehand and checked that it was there, but on arrival he informed us that the roadworthy had not been done yet and that it would be days before it would be ready.
The big oilslick underneath the car was a worry, the wonky bonnet (hmmmm,,,accident perhaps?)
Anyway, as im sure you have already realised, we didnt buy the car, but dont worry, mr slicko carsalesman chased us all over the lot trying to sell us anything he had!!!!!
Moral of this story…..dont take sickies!!!!
Take care, bye for now, Kathryn xx
Fighting the good fight…One day at a time– 9/10/2009 7:45:24 AM: post edited by kathryn.