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Kathryn,  If you read my thread a couple of days ago, you will see I was venting on it about my husband.  I think that as the fog clears from our minds, we realize that must of our time with our husbands were gambling.  Now that is gone we have to find something to replace it.  My gambling therapist asks me everytime I see him how are my husband and myself.  I thought that was kind of odd, but after my posts, I realize that this was going to happen.  It seems all we had in common was going to the bar or casino to gamble.  Now that that  life is over, what now?  I refuse to give up on us.  So I have decided not to take everything he says and does personally.  Maybe he is having gambling withdrawals too.  It  does no good to sweat the small stuff and could actually send us back to the casino.  I choose not to do that.  Hope things work out okay with the husband………NancyEveryday we makes choices…..Make your choice today a good one………..