Hello my friend
I was just reading about your day too… (no, by the way – i didn’t get my ironing done either LOL) and i smiled at your comment that you had got through the day without a gambling thought! Wow, thats a milestone. By sharing that; you continue to inspire, and give hope to others on the same journey.
Something in your last couple of posts has reminded me of a feeling i have experienced at times on my journey. That feeling when life starts to feel a bit ho-hum or ordinary. Like when i first began counselling (quite a few years ago) for depression and anxiety, and made major inroads to overcoming it, but as i did that i found myself thinking "is this it?"…
It was like i expected some huge fanfare and fireworks, and some extraordinary new life to suddenly begin. (it is much the same feeling that i have experienced this year in learning to let go of my CG, and live free of his gambling)
My wonderfully wise counsellor reminded me that the ‘gap’ or ‘hole’ i was feeling, was the space that my anxiety used to occupy (likened to your gambling i guess), and that i should welcome that gap, and not try and fill it in. He also suggested I should ’embrace the ordinary aspects of life’. Because without the ordinary days we would never recognize the extraordinary ones! And i imagine that without the ordinary days life would be a blur.
So…I’m glad you had a nap on the couch and didn’t do your ironing. Either way though it sounds like you had a blissfully ordinary day!!!!
Thought of you when i saw the moon tonight… its only a half moon but incredibly bright! So glad it wont be a full moon for halloween on saturday (god forbid can you imagine how hairy Velvet would be!!!!???? LOL). I’m thinking i’ll dress up as a witch. My kids think i play that role pretty well most days, but might be fun to scare all the other kids in the neighbourhood for a change! HA!
Take care chook.
Love and light
Meg xxxx"We are each of us angels with only one wing… we can only fly by embracing each other"