Hi Kathryn! I was just reading a couple of your last posts here. Congratulations on being a GREAT auntie! That’s always fun! And then the fighting with the teens isn’t. I’m not a mom myself, unfortunately, but I’ve lived with a few adults whose parents didn’t do them any favors by not making them do chores. It teaches responsibility, not to mention just how to get them done so they’re not crippled when they get out there by themselves. I met a young man (not really, about 32) who didn’t know how to run a washing machine! I can’t imagine – and I feel so sorry for the young lady he ends up with! I hope your daughter had a good validictorian night regardless. I’m trying to read more of everyone’s threads tonight. Finally have a good connection after two days of waiting ten minutes for the page to change or the post to post! Have a great night…Minni