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Hi Chook
Well I had a crap day, so thought i’d pop in to check on you (coz you always cheer me up with your fab stories), and low and behold….I couldn’t find you anywhere!!!! I was starting to question my own sanity while searching for your thread, and truly thinking my memory issues might be major (see my latest post for details)… when all of sudden, your thread reappeared!!!
Turns out it was just our mate harry, fiddling with those GT buttons again (as he does!) LOL (P.S, Love ya harry x).
So….now…. much relieved that you have not disappeared off the planet….. HOW was the Valadictorian dance? Did you look FABULOUS?????? (of course you did!) Did Brea have a good time, and look radiant (I bet!), and did poor dames manage to suffer thru the whole thing with a smile on his face????? (i hope?)
Look forward to all the details. hope all is well with you K.
Much much love and light
Meg xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"We are each of us angels with only one wing…  we can only fly by embracing each other"