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Hello, Ms. Kathryn!  I’ve been going back a few pages to catch up a little bit, and it looks like you had a great Christmas.  Thanks so much for cheering me on through my surgery!  I’m doing pretty well, although I’m still walking at a shuffle and have medical tape residue ALL over me that I can’t seem to get off. 
My husband and I had a very quiet Christmas day.  We set up the laptop by the couch and watched movies and played scrabble all day (he usually kills me, and I think he cheats, but I came up with a seven-letter, tripple-word-score word that put me safely in the lead and I spanked him with over 300 points!  Yes, I’m a complete dork.), then went and got Chinese food for dinner.  Best of all, we talked with family throughout the day and just enjoyed the quiet after the hustle of the weeks before.
I was really touched at what you wrote about your daughter being afraid your car wouldn’t be at home.  I’m really glad to see you write so often that you’re not even thinking about gambling (I woke up from the anesthesia practically looking for a machine to put money into.  Awful.).  The New Year is only moments away now.  I hope yours is happy and healthy!  Minni