Hiya Kathryn
I have just wheezed across the room to tell you I started my diet on Monday which includes not having a little drink most evenings to round the day off. Apparently there are loads of calories in a little drink – well a little bottle anyway.
So I will be on the scales near you and checking that you are succeeding. You’ve got Jode to help you but I am on my own. My husband says he wants to lose weight but that only ever lasts 24 hours and as that was Monday I am on my own again!
I walk the dogs everyday so I get some exercise and my fingers are probably quite fit from typing on the site. The trouble is the sound of that lovely cappuccino has my mouth watering and it is only 11 in the morning!!
One of the biggest advances in my recovery was saying that I am the mother of a compulsive gambler and not being afraid to say it. It is surprising the responses and interest you can get. The girl who did my nails last night (a new pamper for me) told me that her first husband had been a CG and she wished she had had someone to talk to. Another girl talked to me about her son at a ‘do’ in a friend’s garden last summer. I have no embarrassment or shame for me or my CG. In fact I think ‘stuff ‘em’ if it bothers them. Wise up this illness, it is a fact; it is everywhere and the more people who accept it the better for all of us.
I have to say it is not my opening words – I don’t launch in unless it is appropriate but I feel as free about saying it as I am about saying I hate ironing and actually I say that a whole lot more!!
I like the sound of a life-style change. I don’t get that feeling until March 1st and I feel that the long dark nights are behind me but having my nails done last night was part of my latest life-style change I suppose. It certainly means I cannot go and pull the wall-paper off the rear lobby today or I might mess them up!!!!!!!!
I had forgotten the dress – I don’t suppose that Jode has! When is the wedding?
Sorry I can’t stop long. I love it when you walk over to the F&F side of the room but I don’t suppose you lose much weight as we are all so much closer than we think. I can nip up to the scales and see if I lost anything wheezing over here but I think the coffee in the kitchen is closer.
I’m sure slugs must be good for something – and by the way what is sun????
Loads of Love
V xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx