Originally posted by vera
… Early to bed and early to rise …
Good afternoon Vera, and any others reading my post — FIRST POST FOR A WHILE, but not the least, Vera
Everything is going good with the gambling issues, and fairly well with the rest of my life; of course not gambling, and working on a recovery/life change program makes the other parts better.
I too go to bed relatively early and get up early as well. Only problem with that is while I feel the need to retire at a early time, I find myself wide awake, yet still tried in the middle of the night. Thanks goodness that the reason is not related to question 17 of GA’s 20 Questions, and I do not find an urge to go out and kill some of my nighttime waking hours at a casino.
Even thought age is creeping up on me, my 60-plus-quite-a-few-years birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks, it seams that I still only need 6-7 hours sleep each night so when I go to bed early I get the sleep I need before morning, even when I find myself lying awake after my old age middle-of-night nature call. This time in the still of the night is good for meditating; but, it is also good for too much thinking about what gambling has cost.
I know we need to let things go, but in the" wee small hours of the morning"* you sometimes not only think pleasant thoughts, but you also end up counting troubles instead of sheep. After fatigue sets back in and I get a few more hours sleep before starting my day thankful that I did not gamble the one before and hopeful that I will not gamble during the new day; starting my day making my "Daily Pledge".
So all in all things are well. I hope and pray that the same goes for the others here as well.
God’s speed. Stay Strong. Keep aware.
* If you find yourself up in the wee small hours and turn to music, here is a song for you at this link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqCLsp5owY8.
LarryThanks to my Higher Power, My 3G's – God, GA, and GT, "Day Two Is Another Day Behind" and with the help from all I hope to continue to remain gambling free.