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Thank you (((Friends))) for your supportive posts. I do have a new fb account as after 8 months of not being able to remember my password and the K9 blocker blocking certain emails like my password from FB, I got my friend Valerie to help me log on with my new email address in the city. Either send me a friend request or I will send you one Bettie. I have been pretty lazy since I moved to the city on Thursday. There’s cleaning and organizing I should do, but with my foot, I think I should stay floor based. My cat has settled in nicely. He is eating, drinking, and using the litter box, and giving me kitty kisses. Danny is bringing me his cat house on Tuesday which serves as a scratching post as well. He looks bored, doing nothing all day except ****** around. Danny is on his way back to work on Tuesday. it’s great that he is supporting me financially till I get working. I never expected that we could go our separate ways and be friendly. I’ve never had a break-up that was friendly. Carole