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Hi Carole, It’s normal to feel sensitive right now.  I felt very sensitive to things that were said about my Husband and his death, but now I have become stronger. Some people don’t have a filter or just don’t stop and think what effect their comments will make on someone else.  Just hang in there and it will get better.  My Grandson fractured his wrist at the trampoline park about 3 weeks ago.  He and I had gone on a Sunday and well, it didn’t turn out real good.  He is a little trooper and hasn’t complained once on wearing the cast!  Hopefully, only 2 1/2 weeks left so he can return to the sports and normal playing.  I am glad that your Granddaughter apologized to you.  She a smart girl and knows that you would never do or say anything to hurt her.  I hope that you and V can work it out.  Real friendships are hard to find.  Remember, you are starting a new life, like me.  I am telling you, the last 6 months, I have done some real soul-searching and have found some things I like about myself and some things that I am working on.  I think it is called growing.  LOL!!!  Never too late to be the person I want to be!!  Take care!!Seize all the good things in life