Hi Carole,
It’s odd in a way. I just had a conversation with my sister. We talked about when we lived together and bought the condo downstairs together. At the time she told the realitor "some day I want a really big house" and he told her be careful what you wish for. She said givin all the problems she has had since she moved in she wished she was still in our little condo.
Big life changes do make us want to run to the old familiar places. It’s like me STILL talking to the FWB-after all the pain and sadness he has brought into my life. I cling to the good ***** I have had with him, the few ***** when he was supportative to me, and the deep down belief that I can’t seem to shake that I won’t find anyone else, period.
I doubt that my sister staying at the condo would have made her happier. Life’s trials and tribulations happen anyway.
I think Ruffus will be happy with a family to love and pay attention to him.
Some people chose to live alone and are very happy with the freedom. Some like me have been left to live alone and learn to live with it. I find the older i get the happier I am that I don’t have to answer to anyone, I can sit when I get home exausted from work. I don’t have to **** and clean if I don’t want to.
I know you are making hard choises. Freedom isn’t free. There is always a cost to pay.
At the end of the day Carole, you know what is best for you.
ps- i didn’t get your email